Intel hopes to expand and continue hiring efforts in New Mexico

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Intel is expected to open around 700 high-tech jobs, a thousand construction jobs and support for an additional 3,500 jobs statewide.

“In New Mexico we have a large experienced workforce. We have been through multiple technology nodes. We also know how to do development,” said Lanette Jaramillo, the Engineering Department manager of Intel New Mexico. 

“New Mexico has always proven to be a good, good ground to find quality people. And we feel it’s an opportunity for us to not only help New Mexicans, as I said, in develop career paths, but it’s also an opportunity for New Mexicans to come home,” said Mark Roper, division director of the New Mexico Economic Development Department. “Immigration back into our state, it’s not a bad thing.”

Roper says the new jobs could potentially keep more recent grads in New Mexico. They wouldn’t have to leave the state to find a career.

“It’s about creating career paths and opportunities for New Mexicans to better themselves, both intellectually and financially,” Roper said. 

He also says the expansion is projected to have a near $4 billion impact on the economy over a 10 year period.

While Intel reps did not give a deadline for the completion of this expansion. They did say they continue to make progress, even through the same challenges many companies have faced these past few years like supply shortages and the pandemic.

But, they say their employees help them overcome these issues. 

“When you’re an employee, for Intel, you have the blood of innovation, you have to be innovative no matter what,” said Jaramillo. “Just making sure they think outside the box, getting to where we need to get as quick as possible in the safest manner as possible. That’s, that’s what’s getting us where we are today.”

Intel will also hold a mega hiring event on July 28.