Izaiah Garcia gets another life sentence for killing Albuquerque woman

Izaiah Garcia gets another life sentence for killing Albuquerque woman

The man accused of killing an Albuquerque woman who was playing Pokémon Go has another life sentence on his record.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – The man accused of killing an Albuquerque woman who was playing Pokémon Go has another life sentence on his record.

Izaiah Garcia shot and killed Cayla Campos in 2019. She was with her boyfriend at an Albuquerque park when she was murdered.

On Tuesday, her family members asked Judge Joseph Montano for no leniency.

“The life he took was so senseless, and he deserves to never be out,” said Tim Campos, Cayla’s uncle.

Garcia is currently serving another life sentence for killing Sean Markey less than a month before killing Campos.

He will begin serving this sentence after that one is complete. So Garcia won’t be getting out of jail for at least 75 years.