Jury deliberations begin in 2020 murder trial

Jury deliberations begin in 2020 murder trial

An Albuquerque family is close to getting justice after a brutal execution style murder in 2020.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – An Albuquerque family is close to getting justice after a brutal execution-style murder in 2020.

Following five days of testimony and evidence, prosecutors, and the defense delivered their closing arguments in the case Monday. 

“We know that Walter Eddings went into that house and ultimately shot and killed Antonio Jaramillo,” said Natalie Lyon, a prosecutor. 

Eddings and Charles Robinson are charged with the murder of Antonio Jaramillo in 2020. Three other suspects were also charged in the case. 

Prosecutors say the suspects planned to rob him of drugs and money. They say Eddings pulled the trigger, but it was Robinson’s plan. 

“Charles Robinson never entered Antonio Jaramillo’s house, but he’s just as responsible as everyone who did because of this accomplice liability,” said Lyon.  

The other three suspects in the case took plea deals. They testified against Robbins and Eddings as part of those plea deals. 

Defense attorneys worked to cast doubt on that testimony Monday. 

“Again ladies and gentlemen that state is going to say they’re telling the truth on the stand, they may have lied a bunch, they may be felons, but they’re telling you the truth. Why? Because they made a plea agreement to tell the truth. The truth that they’re going to determine,” said Stephanie Gully, a defense attorney for Eddings.  

“Because she is going to say what the state wants her to say because she faces life imprisonment,” said Keren Fenderson, a defense attorney for Robinson. 

Prosecutors argue the evidence backs them up.

Jaramillo’s death had a big impact on our community. Following his murder, his mom, Sally Sanchez, co-founded the New Mexico Crusaders for Justice group.

The group supports families affected by gun violence, and advocates for the passing of stricter laws. 

“It doesn’t ever end for any of us no matter what stage we’re at, you know, with our trials, and whether there’s convictions. It never ends, because we’re the ones that have the life sentence,” said Sanchez. 

Now the fate of the last two suspects charged for the death of her son is in the hands of the jury.