Lapel video shows police arresting copper theft suspect

Lapel video shows police arresting copper theft suspect

We're seeing the moment Albuquerque police took down a man accused of causing tens of thousands of dollars in damage to city property, and his shoplifting sidekick.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – We’re seeing the moment Albuquerque police took down a man accused of causing tens of thousands of dollars in damage to city property, and his shoplifting sidekick.

Brian Robinson was cornered outside a local Lowe’s after about a month of alleged copper thefts across Albuquerque.

Investigators believe he stole thousands of dollars’ worth of copper from an ABQ Ride station on the West Side in March.

Auto theft detectives followed his truck to Lowe’s in early April. Robinson was in the store with a woman that night, identified as Emma Brown — who was also arrested.

In the video, the security alarm gives Brown away. Officers find stolen merchandise in her purse. 

Robinson denies stealing, while Brown asks many times to pay for it. Then, Brown stops asking and starts kicking. 

Investigators charged Brown with battery on a peace officer, and Robinson with possession. Both also had active warrants. A judge let them both out of jail, and both re-offended.

Robinson is back in jail now indicted on multiple other charges connected to local copper thefts at other businesses and a medical plaza.

Brown has multiple active warrants connected to battery on a peace officer, and stealing a friend’s car.

Police say Robinson stole copper from at least four businesses, including a restaurant, a medical plaza, and a violin shop. He’s scheduled for a plea conference in October.