Local brewery helps single people find love with PowerPoint slides

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Dozens hoped to find a perfect date for Valentine’s Day at Tractor Brewing Company for the “Hook Your Single Friends Up PowerPoint Edition.”

It’s fairly self-explanatory, what makes your friend dateable on a series of slides. Think dating with data, friends basically market each other to a crowd of singles. 

And if the PowerPoint didn’t do the trick, they could always call in cupid. 

“I told my mom this was happening. She said ‘Please don’t embarrass the family,'” said Dan Pennington, event organizer. “I’m here to help Albuquerque find love.”

The last time KOB 4 talked to Pennington he was himself, but on Monday night, he was cupid. 

“They’re going to sell them and talk them up about how good they are, their best qualities, why they should get a date,” said Pennington, event organizer. 

It all happens in a three to five-minute pitch.

“She’s super giant-hearted, I’ll also tell you why in a minute. She’s also fun, a little bit salty and a little bit spicy.”

“Everybody’s got the friend whose way too extroverted and ready to sell them at the drop of a hat,” said Pennington. 

For those of you questioning these methods, KOB 4 saw results in real-time.

“Last time we did this, there was a couple of people who came in separately, and sat down next to each other and ended up just talking, and then they left together,” Pennington recalled. “Maybe my event didn’t work, but we did bring them together, and I’m counting that as a win in my book. It has to work. Otherwise, I’m dressed like an idiot for nothing.”