Local couple scammed by Facebook house rental

Local couple scammed by Facebook house rental 10 p.m.

Tommie-Rose Rodriguez and her fiancé thought they found the perfect home, but just two days after moving in, a rep from Opendoor came knocking and told them they were the victims of a scam.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – A woman and her fiancé are out hundreds of dollars after getting scammed. 

Tommie-Rose Rodriguez and her fiancé thought they found the perfect home in northwest Albuquerque. But, just two days after moving in, a rep from Opendoor came knocking and told them they were the victims of a scam.

Tommie-Rose Rodriguez never thought she would be in this position.

“I’m in limbo, and it feels like purgatory. I don’t know what to do,” said Tommie-Rose Rodriguez. 

She found a listing for a three bedroom, two-bath house on Facebook. The process didn’t raise any red flags for her. The person she thought was the landlord even remotely unlocked the door twice.

“He had all the right answers, and I was like, OK, so I jumped on it because I didn’t want to lose it,” said Rodriguez. 

Only to find out the whole thing was a scam. Rodriguez says Opendoor is letting them stay there for a while until they figure out what’s next, but she feels like she’s trespassing.

“I feel bad because I’m here, and I’m not supposed to be, even though I thought I was supposed to be. I had a lease, I paid money, and I even turned over the utilities and my internet,” Rodriguez said. 

While rent was listed for $1,100, Rodriguez and her fiancé are out almost $2,500 after the application fee, deposit, first month’s rent and a damage deposit.

“I automatically started calling my bank and asked my bank for assistance with fraud, because I was dumb enough to use Cash app and PayPal. I also went through them and requested money back and told them that it was fraud,” said Rodriguez. “The bank just basically denied me right out. They sent me a letter saying that they weren’t liable for it because I approved it.”

Rodriguez also reached out to Albuquerque police.

“The whole conversation lasted less than five minutes. They just got my name, the address, what happened. And they were like, OK, and I got an email later with the police report number. That’s it,” said Rodriguez. 

Opendoor has the house listed for $362,000, and it says it’s coming soon.

KOB 4 reached out to the company, who confirmed Rodriguez and her fiancé were victims of a rental scam. They also said Opendoor homes are never available for rent, only for sale.

Rodriguez says she’s planning on going to her bank in person Monday to find out if there’s any way she can get her money back.

She’s also planning on checking in with Opendoor and APD again.