Neighbor frustrated with city response to street flooding

Neighbor frustrated with city response to street flooding

Usually, we warn you about flooded out arroyos but one neighborhood is having issues with flooding in their street and the city's response.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Usually, we warn you about flooded out arroyos but one neighborhood is having issues with flooding in their street and the city’s response.

Every time a heavy rainfall comes in her area, Judy Price says she knows the cause and the solution. Price says the major problem is overgrown vegetation in the drainage channel next to her home. She adds that plants stop the water from running off and getting into the nearby arroyo right by her house.

Instead, she gets a pond outside of her house.

In the past, it’s been as easy as a phone call to fix the problem but this time not so much.

“This is our first time but it’s gone on way too long,” Price said.

Judy and Paul Price have lived in their northwest Albuquerque home for almost 30 years and almost every year the city comes to clean this water channel next to their home.

“They’ve come in the past and we’ve had no problems with that. You know, they did a great job, cleaned it out and everything,” Judy Price said, adding this year hasn’t been the case.

The channel drains into the Mariposa Arroyo. But now all this vegetation is stopping the drainage. Price says she’s made at least seven reports with 311 since July of last year, asking the city to clean the vegetation.

“This is just some of it that comes down the road. Um, And it just lays across here. And then, you have a real problem because they have the water that has to come over that and then to get into that area. So you have to come out here and scoop it all up so that you can let the the water run,” she said.

This is what their street looks like every time they get heavy rain, Price says the water is about a foot deep in places and gets dangerously close to flooding homes and cars.

Now, she’s getting tired of waiting to hear back from the city.

“The supervisor came in marched over look looked the job over and then he left, she said.

Price says she understands it’s not their highest priority. But, it’s been five months since she was told a crew would be out to take care of it. She still has faith in 311 but says at this point she’s ready to get in there and cut the trees herself.

“I’m hoping that the person that does the scheduling for 311 sees this and that we can get on this schedule and get it done by Halloween. That would be wonderful,” she said.

The city says the street maintenance team has the location scheduled for clean up this week.

They sent the following statement to KOB 4 Sunday:

“With a healthy monsoon season and lots of plant growth, the City has been busy clearing vegetation and maintaining drainage channels. We appreciate residents reporting issues to 311, and this drainage channel is scheduled to be cleaned this week.”