New bill could help solve cold cases in New Mexico
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Albuquerque police believe they have an idea that could bring closure to the West Mesa murder victims’ families and possibly help solve several other cold cases.
A new bill proposes processing DNA taken from suspects who died before they could ever face charges. APD believes if it passes, it could have an impact on dozens of the 450 cold cases on department shelves.
“How many cases can we solve for these families that today are still reeling with the pain or the loss of their loved one?” APD Commander Kyle Hartsock said.
That question, is driving APD detectives to try and change New Mexico law.
“The bill allows us to test more confirmed violent and serial offenders that have likely already been convicted in New Mexico or they just died before they were ever arrested,” Hartsock said.
House Bill 340 would allow police to enter the DNA of a suspect who died before being charged into the federal DNA system, CODIS. Right now, if someone is arrested, their DNA is gathered but not submitted until charged.
“They have to physically show up in front of a judge before the law will allow us to take their DNA,” Hartsock explained.
Hartsock says the bill could help cold cases like the West Mesa murders. Police found the remains of 11 women and an unborn child on Feb. 2, 2009.
One of the victim’s mothers, who didn’t want to be identified, says she supports the bill if it’ll help APD, but she’s come to accept the unknown, believing the person who did this is already dead.
“I know in my heart that they are long gone, dead. That’s what I believe, and that’s what gives me peace.”
Hartsock says there was a person of interest, Lorenzo Montoya, who died in 2006. His DNA can not be processed in the West Mesa case because he was never charged.
“He’s never been entered into CODIS. If he’s related to other crimes, CODIS is going to help alert us,” Hartsock said.
Hartsock says this law isn’t necessarily about charging new people.
“We’re concerned with getting answers for the family, not just charging someone,” Hartsock said.
Cold case investigators say this new legislation could either help solve the mystery or put another lead to rest.
“As we do continual searches, we end up saying or finding out that that person does have DNA matches to certain cases, and then we can research,” APD Cold Case Investigator Ida Lopez said.
“One of the benefits of the progress of time when it comes to an investigation is that the techniques to evaluate evidence, specifically, scientific evidence only get better and better,” APD Detective Connor Coleman said.
The legislation would also apply to people who died or were released from prison before July 1, 1997. Commander Hartsock says in many of those cases, offenders left DNA at the scene because no one knew what DNA was.
Right now, the bill is in a House committee but has not been scheduled for debate.
Track HB 340 during the legislative session.