Pay It 4ward: Coach thanked for helping homeless children buy sports equipment

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Sports can bring out the best in us, the drive and ambition to do our best. 

That’s certainly true for one New Mexico sports Hall of Famer. She’s making a difference in the lives of homeless New Mexico children every year.

“She’s a very caring loving person, I mean she’s a coach, she was born to be a coach she’s been a coach her whole life,” said Cheryl Johnson, a Pay It 4ward nominator. 

Susan Craig built the UNM softball program, coaching the team through the 2002 season. These days, golf is more her swing, but it’s not just for fun. 

“Susan has a nonprofit it’s called ‘Kids First’ and she gets donations,” said Johnson. 

Her big fundraising event is the annual Kids First Golf Tournament. 

“She gets the donations, and she personally takes that money, runs around to all the sports stores in town. She buys sports equipment for students who can’t afford sports equipment. Because in her mind, she says if a kid can’t play a sport because they don’t have equipment, it’s just not right,” Johnson said. 

The tournament helps children who otherwise would not be able to get in the game, at a time of year when a thoughtful gift means the most. 

“She goes to the schools two weeks before Christmas and she hands out all the sports equipment to the kids,” said Johnson. “So, it could be catcher’s equipment, a glove, a football, hula-hoops, a basketball, just anything that they request she runs around and gets it for them.” 

So it was time to Pay It 4ward. 

Watch the video above for more.