Pay It 4ward: Educational assistant honored for keeping campus beautiful

Pay It 4ward: Educational assistant honored for keeping campus beautiful

This story starts at a tree just beyond the Griegos Elementary School gate. It looked a lot different before Maria Stewart gave it some TLC.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – This story starts at a tree just beyond the Griegos Elementary School gate. It looked a lot different before Maria Stewart gave it some TLC. 

“This tree was just about dead, and I could just hear him telling me mom you can’t let that die,” said Maria Stewart, a Pay It 4ward nominee. 

Years later, there are now little signs of her only son, Seth, all around her. 

“I can’t explain it, but it’s beautiful to come out here, very peaceful for me,” said Stewart. 

She lost Seth to pediatric stroke about nine years ago. He collapsed on valley high school’s track. 

“Found out he had a stroke, a blood clot. And so this is something that hit just shocking because it’s the seventh, it’s actually the seventh leading cause of death in children, the fifth in adults,” Stewart said. 

Maria dedicates hours of time beyond her educational assistant duties to keeping campus beautiful, and educating families about pediatric stroke.

“He’s with me every moment, and he’s the one that keeps me going,” said Stewart. 

Her fellow educators took notice years ago. 

“You know everything that grows and is beautiful. That’s Maria. That’s what she gives to the school,” said Barbara Johnson, a Title I teacher and librarian.  

Johnson describes her as humble and giving, always working behind the scenes. She wanted to change that, if only for a day. 

“I know that there’s nothing we can do to ever provide the comfort and support that a person who loses their only child needs, but I just want her to feel the love,” said Johnson. 

So, it was time to Pay It 4ward with $400.

Watch the video above for more.