Pay It 4ward: Pet owner thanks 2 women for saving dog’s life
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Two women, who missed a country concert, were on their way back home just in time to respond to a roadside emergency, their quick action saved a life. For that, KOB 4 helps Pay their kindness 4ward.
It’s every pet owner’s worst fear.
“I heard Peanut in the backyard barking, like a panic bark,” said Joseph Aragon, Pay It 4ward nominator.
Aragon’s three dogs got out of the yard, and one of them never returned – his daughter’s four-year-old pup “Koda.”
“We saw a line of traffic stopped that was headed west at Rose Circle,” said Aragon.
Little did he know just minutes earlier down the street, Koda had been hit by a truck, and was taken to a vet clinic 30 minutes away by two Good Samaritans on their way home from a cancelled concert.
“They stopped and wrapped her in a blanket, and she was crying, and in pain, and they put her in the back,” Aragon said.
It wasn’t long before a call from the VCA in northeast Albuquerque, and a post on the Neighborhood app, led Aragon to Koda and one of her rescuers: Brittany Willis.
“She’s Koda’s angel,” said Aragon.
The miracle doesn’t stop there, Willis and her friend Jacinda Matthews used to be vet techs, and knew exactly how to help Koda in her time of need.
Watch the video above for more.