Pay It 4ward: Woman honored for going above and beyond for community

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LOS LUNAS, N.M. – Among the washers, dryers and irons at Stillwell Laundry you can find Peggy Benard.

She’s been keeping the place spinning for more than two decades. 

“Auntie Peggy is the most loving, caring person you could ever meet on the planet Earth,” said Shantell Anderson, Pay It 4ward nominator.

She’s seen plenty of customers who need more than just clean clothes, and doesn’t hesitate to help them. 

“She’s almost 80, and she’s still hoofing it, taking quarters out of her own pocket to help people wash clothes. She has taken so many people in,” said Anderson.

Shantell Anderson fell on her own hard time, and turned to auntie Peggy. 

“There was a time where I actually stayed with her, and I was at a point in my life where I truly wanted to give up and that’s a God’s truth. But I’ll tell you what, she grabbed me by the ear and says ‘We don’t give up in this family,’” said Anderson.

Anderson believes if your path has crossed with auntie Peggy’s – you can consider yourself lucky. 

“She’s saved so many people, including myself, and we can never ever, ever be grateful enough to have her in our life,” Anderson said. 

So, it was time to Pay It 4ward with $400.

Click the video above for the full story.