PNM warns about uptick in scams during holiday season

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — PNM is warning about a reported increase in scam phone calls and text messages that they often see around this time of year.

According to PNM, the scams often involve a fake utility representative calling a customer and claiming they’re behind on their bill. Then, that “representative” threatens to immediately disconnect their electricity unless they pay around $200-$500 with a prepaid gift card or an electronic banking transfer. Scammers usually demand around $200-$500.

PNM received more than 446 scam reports, mostly in the Albuquerque metro, since January. They recommend customers follow these safety tips:

  • If you suspect you are being called by a scammer, hang up immediately.
  • If you wonder if a call is legitimate, call PNM directly at 888-DIAL-PNM (1-888-342-5766)
  • PNM will never call a customer on a holiday or outside of Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Report suspicious activity to PNM as soon as possible

“Recognizing the signs of a scam is essential for customers to safeguard themselves from these types of deceptive tactics. Even if a customer realized it was a scam, PNM is asking they still report it in order to warn all customers,” a spokesperson for PNM stated in a news release issued Tuesday.