Polly’s Run for pancreatic cancer research this weekend

Polly’s Run for pancreatic cancer research this weekend

The 15th annual Polly's Run will take place this weekend to support pancreatic cancer research and an endowment that has had a wide-ranging impact.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Lace up those running sneakers as you can sign up for a race to raise money for pancreatic cancer research this weekend in Albuquerque.

The 15th annual Polly’s Run is this Saturday at Tiguex Park. The 5K Run and Walk is at 8:30 a.m., and the kids’ fun run is at 9:30 a.m. The run benefits the Polly Rogers Pancreatic Cancer Fund.

Josh Rogers is the son of Polly Rogers. He said doctors diagnosed Polly with pancreatic cancer in 2008. She died just a year later.

After this, Josh, his brothers and Polly’s best friends began Polly’s Run. He says they have grown the run every year to where they’re able to cross the $500,000 endowment mark to UNM Cancer Center.

Josh says his money was a runner and a coach. To have a run to raise awareness and money for pancreatic cancer was important as he says there wasn’t one before they started Polly’s Run.

This year, they will have several survivors and their families at the run. He talked about what all will take place this Saturday in the video above.