Pro-Palestinian protest at NMSU leads to 13 arrests

Protest at NMSU leads to 13 arrests

Police arrested 13 protesters who they say stayed in a building at NMSU after it had closed and vandalized it.

LAS CRUCES, N.M. — Another evening of unrest unfolded Thursday on college campuses across the U.S., including here in New Mexico.

A viewer sent KOB 4 video from an on-campus pro-Palestinian protest at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces. A protester is seen banging on the window of Hadley Hall before police arrested them.

The protest began around 4:15 p.m. Thursday. According to a letter that NMSU Interim President Monica Torres issued to the university community, protesters entered Hadley Hall and submitted their demands. Around 30 minutes later, they were reportedly told the building was closed at 5 p.m. and would have to leave at that time.

Instead, Torres stated they locked arms, chanted, sang and began a live stream calling for others to join them.

Torres said officials tried communicating with the group to encourage them to leave. Then, around 5:55 p.m., protesters were told they had 10 minutes to leave or face arrest on trespassing charges. Some protesters left the building while others reportedly stayed inside.

NMSU Police then moved in and detained 13 people. The video showed protesters getting tackled.

Torres specified charges ranged from misdemeanor charges of trespassing and resisting/obstructing an officer to felony charges of battery on an officer and criminal property damage.

Officials said someone broke a window on the west side of the building. They also said there was graffiti on the outside of the building. They were able to clear and clean out the building so it could open Friday.

Torres emphasized they support the constitutional right to peacefully protest. However, she stressed that “people do not have a right to interfere with university operations, property damage or to spit on or strike police officers.”

She went on to say, “Various university leaders had met with protesters almost daily since April 29 to encourage open dialogue. And to ensure all voices were being heard to de-escalate tensions. Our commitment will always be to the safety and security of our community and our campus. We will continue to take the steps necessary to meet that commitment.”

This isn’t the first time police arrested multiple people during an on-campus, pro-Palestinian protest in New Mexico. On April 30, police arrested 16 people during a clash with protesters who occupied the UNM Student Union Building.