Project Linus delivers gift blankets to fallen APD officer’s sons

Project Linus delivers gift blankets to fallen APD officer’s sons

Project Linus members provided hand sewn blankets to fallen APD officer Bianca Quintana's children for some extra support.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Friends and family gathered to honor Albuquerque Police Officer Bianca Quintana and her family with a balloon release. The young APD officer leaves behind a husband and two young children.

A viewer reached out to KOB 4 wanting to help provide comfort for Quintana’s sons.

Jeana Brosseau and Suzanne Kelly are part of Project Linus which provides hand sewn blankets to children who are sick, traumatized or in need of some extra support. 

We were able to connect them with Quintana’s family.

“I watched the story a couple of times on the news, and I thought to myself, this is why we do what we do. My heart just breaks for those boys not having their mom. I couldn’t even imagine what that would be like. So my heart goes out to, and I really hope these blankets will give them a sense of comfort,” said Brosseau. 

Brosseau and Kelly have handed out hundreds of blankets in the metro through Project Linus. They explained how something as simple as a blanket can make all the difference.

“We get many notes from families about the blankets and how, even just sometimes for tonsillectomies, they get them, and they just love it. And we get notes and cards. It’s wonderful,” said Kelly.

It’s not just Project Linus stepping up. Bianca’s husband, David Quintana, says people across the country have been reaching out.

“A number of requests that we received since her passing was just overwhelming. There were so many people, and not just within the Albuquerque community, but literally across the country. People that she met in these tournaments, that we traveled to work events, literally were asking, ‘How can I help? How can I help?’” said David. 

Bianca’s family has set up a GoFundMe page. David told us all of those proceeds will go to their two boys.