Rio Rancho sends aid to Ruidoso wildfire victims

Rio Rancho sends aid to Ruidoso victims

There were mountains of donations inside the Rio Rancho ad agency Edit House Productions.

RIO RANCHO, N.M. — There were mountains of donations inside the Rio Rancho ad agency Edit House Productions.

“I want to thank all of the people of Rio Rancho, and we had a big donation come down from Taos, thank everybody that brought all these donations down here because without the community coming together we wouldn’t be able to do this,” Rio Rancho Mayor Greg Hull said.

Hull was among a group of more than a dozen people who helped load trucks full of water, food, diapers, towels, dog food, and more.

“When you think about some of the day-to-day needs of people, we go about our days not knowing how important even the little things are,” Hull said. “And when they’re gone, it becomes a big deal.”

American Restoration tossed in a couple of trucks for transportation.

“As you can see, we’ve got two pretty nice, large truckloads, and a pickup truck full of dog food, hand sanitizer, all kinds of things they might need down there that they can put to immediate use,” Hull said.

The donations will arrive in Ruidoso Friday.

“A lot of people have lost everything, and Rio Rancho wants to stand with our neighbors in Ruidoso and make sure that they know that we’re here, and that we support them, and that we care about them,” Hull said.

Hull said it’s just another way New Mexicans pull together in times of need.