Second solar panel company sets sights on Mesa del Sol

Second solar panel company sets sights on Mesa del Sol

It appears a manufacturing revolution could be taking off in the U.S. and New Mexico is playing a major role.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – It appears a manufacturing revolution could be taking off in the U.S. and New Mexico is playing a major role.

More companies are choosing to build new factories here, and most of them are planning to set up shop in one of Albuquerque’s newest neighborhoods – Mesa del Sol.

Mesa del Sol is already home to Netflix’s U.S. production hub, but it could soon become the solar energy capital of the country.

It’s expected to bring at least 900 high-paying jobs to the metro, and that’s on top of the 1,800 jobs the first solar panel factory is also planning to bring.

It’s another huge win for Albuquerque as the city positions itself as a renewable energy manufacturing hub. City leaders suggest this is just the beginning.

“There is a very high likelihood, within months, we are going to be the capital of solar manufacturing in America,” said Mayor Tim Keller. 

Keller knows that might sound too good to be true, but he says Ebon Solar’s plans to build a new factory in Mesa del Sol is proof the solar train has left the station.

“Right now, no one manufactures solar panels in America, and to have them start and have that hub here in Albuquerque, New Mexico, truly will define us for a generation to come,” said Keller. 

Keller says the Delaware-based company is planning to spend $942 million on a new solar cell factory, and it’s going up right next to Maxeon’s billion dollar solar cell factory.

Together, the two factories are expected to bring 2,700 new, high-paying jobs to the metro.

But of course:

“We all know it’s not real until ground is actually broken, and those jobs are actually created,” Keller said. “We’ve signed our agreements, Mesa del Sol has signed their agreements. But in all of these economic development deals, the big question is the actual private company and when they’re ready.” 

Steven Chavez manages Mesa del Sol and says both factories are expected to break ground later this year. 

He says they will occupy a combined 500-acre development, and there’s some work that needs to be done ahead of time.

“We are preparing right now, we’re putting about $86 million worth of infrastructure in the ground,” said Chavez. 

Keller says the city is already thinking about new fire and police stations, as well as expanding utilities for the fast-growing community. He predicts the 2,700 new jobs will really put Mesa del Sol on the map.

“To put that in perspective, that’s the same size as Intel when it started, roughly. And that literally created sort of the modern Rio Rancho. That’s why, when I say things like Mesa del Sol may have 20,000 people in 15 years, that is not at all an exaggeration,” Keller said. 

As of Wednesday night, it seems city leaders are betting both factories will be up and running by 2026. 

Keller hinted even more renewable energy companies are interested in Mesa del Sol, and that shouldn’t be surprising.

People can find specific industrial hubs all over the country. For example, companies in Silicon Valley and oil companies in Houston.

President Biden visited Belen to help solidify a new renewable energy manufacturing hub here in New Mexico.

On top of the two solar cell factories, there’s also a wind turbine factory coming to Belen, and an Australian-based hydrogen company is also planning to expand to Mesa del Sol.

Reps with all of these companies say they plan on hiring mostly New Mexican workers. That’s a big reason why we’re seeing more job training programs from CNM and the City of Albuquerque.

But Keller says these companies are confident in our existing workforce.

“They believe the workforce is here, more or less. Of course, with anything this big, yeah, we hope people move here because of it. We absolutely expect that. But they believe to get started the workforce is here, and of course, CNM will help train them,” said Keller. 

Keller says the predicted average wage at the new factory will be $75,000 a year.