Man accused of shooting at NMSP officer appears in court

Man accused of shooting at NMSP officer appears in court 6 p.m.

The man who shot at a New Mexico State Police officer in Farmington and then took off was in court for the first time Wednesday.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – The man who shot at a New Mexico State Police officer in Farmington and then took off was in court for the first time Wednesday. 

San Juan County Sheriff’s deputies arrested Fernando Silva Tuesday. He’s accused of firing more than 50 rounds at an officer. That officer was not hurt. 

But this wasn’t Silva’s first run-in with police. He was arrested in 2015 on charges of disorderly conduct. In January, he was arrested on charges of assaulting an officer and trespassing. 

A judge recommended revoking his conditions of release on those charges from January in light of the new charges. 

Silva had some interesting requests:

Silva: “If I may, I’d like to request an Internal Affairs appointed lawyer. Your honor.”

Judge: “Say that again.”

Silva: “I’d like to request Internal Affairs appointed attorney.”

Judge: “I don’t have any jurisdiction over Internal Affairs.” 

Silva: “That’s what I’m requesting.” 

Silva’s now charged with attempted second-degree murder, and assault on a peace officer, among other charges.