Suspect pleads no-contest to carjacking Albuquerque judge in front of children

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A suspect pleaded no contest to allegedly carjacking an Albuquerque judge at gunpoint while she was trying to load her children into the car.

Court records indicate 30-year-old Joshua Dawson pleaded no contest to unlawful taking of a motor vehicle and conspiracy to commit armed robbery. As a part of the plea, the judge dismissed the armed robbery and tampering with evidence charges.

According to prosecutor Devin Chapman, Dawson will serve four years in prison. Dawson received credit for timed served in jail. He will also serve two years of parole and five years of supervised probation. If he violates probation, he could spend 22 years behind bars.

The other suspect, his girlfriend at the time, 20-year-old Daniella Sandoval, faces charges of armed robbery, unlawful taking of vehicle, tampering and conspiracy to commit armed robbery. Her case is pending.

Police say Sandoval pointed a gun at Judge Claire McDaniel and told her to get the children out of the car but leave her purse, phone and keys. That’s when police say Sandoval and her boyfriend Dawson got in McDaniel’s car and drove off.

According to the criminal complaint, police tracked McDaniel’s phone. That helped officers find the stolen car at a home on the West Side. Along with the car, they also found McDaniel’s personal items and the car seats in the house.

Authorities have charged Sandoval and Dawson with car theft multiple times in the past. In fact, just last year, Dawson had a case in front of McDaniel. She agreed there was enough evidence to send his case for breaking into a car to district court. Dawson pleaded guilty in that case.

According to police, Sandoval confessed to this carjacking while in jail. She allegedly told police the gun she used was a BB gun, and that it was under the driver’s seat.

It’s not clear if this was a targeted attack or just a case of wrong place at the wrong time.