Teen agrees to plea deal in death of 13-year-old girl

Teen agrees to plea deal in death of 13-year-old girl

Then 14-year-old Porfirio Brown is accused of shooting and killing a 13-year-old girl at his dad's home last year in Questa. A key case in testing Bennie's Law, it ended with a hung jury.

QUESTA, N.M. — The teen accused of shooting and killing a 13-year-old girl in Questa is expected to take a plea deal Thursday.

Then-14-year-old Porfirio Brown is accused of shooting and killing Amber Archuleta at his father’s home last year.

According to court documents, the shooting happened while Brown was showing a group of friends a collection of guns that his father – William Brown – kept in the home.

The teen already went on trial for murder earlier this year. However, it ended in a hung jury.

Porfirio Brown was supposed to go back on trial next week. According to his attorney, though, he is taking a plea deal.

Prosecutors have agreed to drop the murder charge against him. He is expected to serve a year of probation for tampering with evidence.

His father, William Brown, was also charged in this case under Bennie’s Law. The law holds people accountable if they don’t properly store their firearms in a safe space away from children. A jury wasn’t able to convict him in June.

Statement from the family of Amber Archuleta

Amber Archuleta was just 13 years old—a bright, innocent girl with her whole life ahead of her. She was beloved in our community, known for her kindness and the joy she brought to those around her. Amber was doing what so many teenagers do, spending time with friends and listening to music, when her life was tragically and senselessly taken by a monster.

While we understand the plea deal, it is impossible to ignore the profound failures of the judicial system and law enforcement in this case. The mishandling of the crime scene, and the fact that the shooter and his family were allowed to destroy critical evidence and hide the weapon used to end Amber’s life, represents a grave injustice not only to our family but to the entire community of Questa, New Mexico. Then for the shooter’s family to mock the situation and say they were going to have a party at the house where Amber was murdered on the day she was murdered explains everything you need to know about these horrible people.

Amber deserved better. Our community deserves better. The system failed to protect her, and it failed to deliver the justice that she—and all of us—deserve. This plea deal does not signify the end of our fight. We will continue to seek justice for Amber, and we will not rest until those responsible are held fully accountable for their actions.

Amber’s life was stolen from us, and we will not allow her memory to be tarnished by the failures of those who were supposed to uphold the law. Our family and the community of Questa will not be silenced, and we will continue to fight for the justice that Amber so rightfully deserves.