Third suspect testifies in Froylan Villegas murder trial
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – While his fellow murder suspects sat and listened, Daniel Gomez, walked a local jury through the night an innocent young boy was killed.
Gomez, Nathen Garley and Jose Romero are all charged in Froylan Villegas death. The question a lot of people have been asking is did Gomez get a deal to testify Wednesday?
The state asked him that question point-blank, and Gomez says he just wants justice in this case, whether that means he gets jail time later on or not.
This was arguably the most contentious part of the trial thus far. There were a lot of breaks, objections and back and forth between the state and the defense.
The state started off asking about that September day and how he came in contact with Romero and Garley.
Gomez says all three of them went to eat and then went to the Isotopes game. He was asked multiple times who drove and who was in the driver seat during the shooting. He says Romero was in the driver seat all night, and Garley got up through the sunroof during the shooting.
Gomez: “He continued to get up out of the seat onto the sunroof. He started shooting, I crawled under the back of the passenger seat.”
Gomez: “I was afraid to get shot.”
The defense came back during cross-examination, pointing out that Gomez is charged with all of the same charges as Jose Romero and Nathen Garley.
Although he has not been given a plea deal yet, that doesn’t mean he won’t be in the future.
Nathan Garley’s ex-girlfriend also took the stand Wednesday. Alexis Romero, no relation to Jose, testified Garley told her he was the shooter that night.
Gomez was asked why he waited more than two weeks to turn himself in. He says he was getting threats from other people aside from Romero and Garley, and wanted to wait till they were behind bars to turn himself in.