Video: Man allegedly sets ex-girlfriend’s home on fire

Video: Man allegedly sets ex-girlfriend’s home on fire

Albuquerque police say a man lit his ex-girlfriend's property on fire, and it was all caught on a neighbor's camera.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Police say Artemio Sanchez-Ortega is facing arson charges after he dumped gasoline all over his ex-girlfriend’s property in northwest Albuquerque, and then lit a match.

Three vehicles in her driveway were destroyed and the flames spread to her home – where she was inside, with her four kids.

A neighbor’s surveillance camera shows a man – who was on fire – hopping over the fence to get away from the fire. APD says that’s Sanchez-Ortega and they are still looking for him.

“I kind of had to laugh at the sort of amateur hour situation there, if you’re going to commit arson, try to do it without setting yourself on fire,” said neighbor Daniel Provine.

Provine lives across the street from the victim and his cameras captured everything. It shows the man walking with a five-gallon gas can, jumping over the fence, and then pouring it.

The victim said she was watching from inside, in complete shock. She made it out safely with her four children, and with fewer injuries than what Sanchez-Ortega may have run off with that night.

“Feel like that dude got what he deserved a little bit in the process,” Provine said.

The victim told KOB 4 she doesn’t know why this happened, but the arrest warrant states she believes Sanchez-Ortega had been drinking. She wants him to face the consequences.

“I hope they find that guy and take care of business, that’s about really all I can say,” Provine said.

Aside from the surveillance video, police say they were able to identify Sanchez-Ortega through a truck he parked down the street. Again, they are still looking for him.