Volunteer Pays It 4ward to nonprofit founder

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – The streets can be a dark and lonely place, that’s why one woman has made it her life’s mission to shine a light on our homeless – offering help and humanity.

For decades, she’s given so much to her community and now, we’re giving back to her.

Those who know TwoTone Grant say she is a bright light for those going through dark times in our community.

“She’s suffered adversity herself when she was very young,” said Michael Carpenter, Pay It 4ward nominator. 

Carpenter has volunteered alongside TwoTone for two years. She says her dedication to serving the homeless is fueled by her own personal experience of living on the streets of Los Angeles.

“After that experience, she moved to New Mexico to Albuquerque, and discovered, you know, that people can freeze here on the street, unlike, LA so, so that inspired her to start this nonprofit,” said Carpenter. 

18 years later, “A Light in the Night” has helped provide basic necessities for thousands.

TwoTone has enough volunteers to help serve close to 100 people every day. That’s something the city hasn’t overlooked, and neither has Carpenter, which is why he’s surprising her with $400.

“I would love for her to do something for herself. But you know, she’s going to buy more blankets and coats, I know it and hand them out right away,” said Carpenter. “TwoTone has literally saved lives over the year, including some people who are here with us today. I’m one of the people whose life she literally saved. So she does great work out there. She’s inspired me and dozens of others. We have been a part of the organization for 6 years now. She’s always thinking of others, and it’s time that somebody thinks of her.”

So, it was time to Pay It 4ward.

Watch the video above for TwoTone’s reaction.