What to expect from the new year at Rio Rancho Public Schools

What to expect from the new year at Rio Rancho Public Schools

District leaders say they're upping security efforts and making sure students are taken care of to perform their best throughout the day.

RIO RANCHO, N.M. — It is back to school for Rio Rancho Public Schools and officials want families to send their students back with some peace of mind.

There are many safety measures being put in place districtwide for this year.

“We have a very dedicated security department here within the district. Their whole job is to make sure that our campuses are secure and our buildings are safe,” said Wyndham Kemsley, the communications director at RRPS.

The district isn’t new to having a badge system but Kemsley said they implemented an Evolv system last year. It consists of two pillars that stand at the entrance where students walk in and it scans for any weapon-like shapes.

“It’s more advanced and less intrusive than a standard metal detector,” he said. “So, we’ve heard great things from the students. It’s like it’s not even there. They don’t even really care about it. And it’s been a wonderful asset to the district so far.”

Kemsley said two of their high schools have this system. They’re hoping to add more down the line.

Something else parents won’t have to worry about this school year is packing their students lunch. That’s after a bill was passed last year allowing all New Mexico students free lunch and breakfast.

Kemsley said in years’ past, kids not having anything to eat has affected their performance in school.

“One of the most important things for our students to succeed is that they have the proper nutrition. And, unfortunately, that’s not the norm for a lot of people. We were saying that a lot of kids were going hungry just because the balance on their card was too high,” he said.

Kemsley said they’re excited to see free lunches continue this year. He said, comparing last year to years before, they have seen a positive shift in students when it comes to learning.