Blur your house on Google Street View | What the Tech?

Blur your home on Google Street View | What the Tech?

Jamey Tucker shows us why you may want to blur home on Google Street View and how you can do it.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (WHAT THE TECH?) — With the Internet, social media and all of the developments with artificial intelligence, safety is a growing concern these days.

And, did you know a quick Internet search can give anyone a clear view of your house?

Think of it like this, you wouldn’t walk up to a stranger and give them pictures of your house, would you? Well, you may not think about it but if someone finds your address online, they can, in just a couple of clicks, see what your house looks like, as well as what cars are in the driveway and more.

Google takes photos with its Street View cameras. If you don’t want your house shown, how can you blur it out on Google Street View? Jamey Tucker shows how you can blur your house on Google Street View.

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