Matched | What the Tech? App of the Day

Matched | What the Tech? App of the Day

If you're having trouble trying to figure out what you and a friend or a partner want to watch on streaming, the Matched app can help.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (WHAT THE TECH?) — It’s hard to find something on streaming, even for yourself, but the “Matched” app suggests movies and shows two people might agree on.

Here’s how it works. Both people download the Matched app on their phone and select your streaming services. Each person, on their own phone, then starts rating movies. If it’s something you like, swipe right. Left if it’s something you don’t care for. This builds a profile of each person’s likes and dislikes.

Then, the app matches your taste in movies with other users who have the same interests. Other apps do this, but Matched takes it a step further. It is a movie app for couples.

The results of the recommendations on your phone and their phone are then combined to find matches of movies and shows both people might enjoy.

And if the two of you happen to swipe right on the same movie or show, much like Tinder, you get a Match!

Those are saved in a “to watch” list. You can also read reviews and watch the preview on YouTube if it’s available.

Now when you both sit down to find something to watch, you’ll have some ideas.

It’s a really nice app for two people who frequently watch TV together. But a couple of things to note: it doesn’t always match if one person has an iPhone and other has an Android device.

And while the app shows updated titles, the app itself hasn’t issued any security updates in over a year. If you’re always looking for something to watch that you both want to see, it might be worth a shot.

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