Albuquerque city councilors pass legislation to protect renters’ rights
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Albuquerque city councilors passed legislation to help renters know and protect their rights and hold landlords more accountable.
Councilor Tammy Fiebelkorn sponsored a bill to enhance enforcement efforts when landlords aren’t providing basic needs to renters, like air conditioning, heating and door locks.
“I think its really needed and vital that we do this for folks. We have heard over and over again how many times people are going without basic safety measures in their home,” Fiebelkorn said.
The legislation passed on a 9-0 vote. Now, the City of Albuquerque will create the role of a code enforcement officer. The officer will hold landlords accountable if they neglect basic living conditions. That officer will field calls, issue citations and let renters know their rights.