DIY Friday with Danielle: Concrete countertop

DIY Friday with Danielle: Concrete countertop

This DIY project is one many people have asked for – a concrete countertop – featuring a local DIY'er.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — This week’s DIY Friday with Danielle features a local DIY’er and a project that many people have asked for – a concrete countertop.

It’s a smaller scale of a concrete countertop that is all about the prep work. The countertop is for a dresser that needs a new top. DIY’er Heidi Wilson built the new supports for the console in her entryway to support this new top.

How did it go once Heidi and Danielle put the concrete countertop on? You gotta see for yourself in the video above!

Click here to see more DIY Friday with Danielle segments.