Española boy competes in national mullet competition

Española boy competes in national mullet competition

An Española boy is one step close to winning the grand prize, but he needs your help to make it all the way.

ESPAÑOLA, N.M. – Whether you love ’em or hate ’em, mullets are an iconic hairstyle. They’re so iconic that there’s a national championship to find out which American has the best mullet. 

An Española boy is one step closer to winning the grand prize, but he needs your help to make it all the way. 

“It’s a part of him. We can’t imagine him being without the mullet, he doesn’t let us really even touch his hair,” said Yoshabelle Aldaz, Russell’s mom.

But it seems the occasional trim is OK. Yoshabelle says her son Russell has been growing out the so-called “Russell-cat” since he was born.

“I never thought it wouldn’t be a mullet. But he’s always had very beautiful curls as a baby, and so we just as it grew out, it was always in his face. So kind of trimmed it on the top and everybody said leave the curls alone and this is what it evolved to,” said Yoshabelle.

12 years later, the Russell-cat is one step closer to winning a national championship.

“He was a little said that he didn’t make it out of round 1 last year, but he’s ready to win it,” said Yoshabelle. 

The USA Mullet championship is exactly what it sounds like, awarding cash prizes to the best mullets in the country, while also raising money for wounded warriors.

Russell made the cut to round 2, but Yoshabelle says they’ll need more support from online voters to make it to the next round and hopefully the championship.

“We’re trying to get as many votes as we can for him,” said Yoshabelle. “With northern New Mexico and all of New Mexico, I think we can do this.” 

Yoshabelle says her son has autism and isn’t great at showing his emotions. But she says the support they’ve already received from the Española community is heartwarming.

“Everybody’s like, ‘Wow, this is cool.’ And they remember from last year, the kid on the news, the kid with the mullet, you know, everybody’s been very supportive,” said Yoshabelle.

Russell already knows what he wants to do if he wins the $5,000 prize.

“I really want to go to Legoland, it’s my dream to go there,” said Russell.

But before that can happen:

“Help me get to the final round to win the competition,” said Russell.

Voting for round 2 of the National Mullet Championship closes on July 30. Folks can vote once a day. Russell is competing in the children’s 8 to 12 bracket. He needs to make it to the top 25 to advance to the next round.