Internet discounts | What the Tech?
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (WHAT THE TECH?) — Having Internet access is important these days but it can be expensive. Now, a new federal program is offering discounts for some.
This program is called the Affordable Connectivity Program. It’s an incentive by the White House to ensure every home has access to high-speed internet and a computer.
The discounts are part of the $550 billion infrastructure law. The FCC has been working for a couple of years on ensuring every home has internet access.
Qualifying families can get a monthly $30 discount on internet services and a one-time $100 discount off a computer or tablet.
Who qualifies? Individuals with an annual income of less than $29,160; or $33,540 for Hawaii residents – or a family of four with a household income of less than $60,000; or $69,000 for Hawaii residents.
Having Internet access is important these days but it can be expensive. Now, a new federal program is offering discounts for some.
You also qualify if someone in your home receives benefits from Medicaid, SSI, WIC, SNAP or similar federal assistance programs.
The FCC is accepting applications now at where you can find other information. You’ll answer a few questions and may be asked to provide some documents if someone in your home participates in one of the aforementioned federal programs.
Once approved, you’ll need to contact one of the participating internet providers. Most providers of both home and mobile internet are participating.
The FCC had a similar program during the early days of the pandemic but a lot of those funds were never claimed – so take advantage of this!