iPhone tricks | What the Tech?

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (WHAT THE TECH?) — iPhones do so many useful things for us but you may not know some of the little things and cool tricks they can do too.

You might say these are those “I was today years old when I learned” kinds of things. Here are three iPhone shortcuts you may want to try out now:

How many times do you select old text messages to delete? Do you have to check or select each one individually, like these two-factor authentication notifications to log in to an account?

On an iPhone, this is a lot easier. Just use two fingers. Tap and hold and then, swipe. You’ll select every text message you swipe across. Then, tap delete.

Have you ever scrolled through a website or news article, and then wanted to go back to the beginning, so you scroll back to the top?

Instead of doing that, just tap on the upper right-hand corner of the screen near the battery and WiFi icons. Two taps will return you to the top of the page in Chrome or Safari browsers.

Did you know you can listen to the radio on an iPhone? Just ask Siri to tune in.

Just say the call letters along with “radio station.”

For example, say “Hey Siri, listen to WMOT radio station” or “Hey Siri, listen to KEXP radio station.”

You can listen to radio stations from anywhere in the U.S., as long as you know the call letters and say “radio station.”

You won’t need a secondary app for this, Apple Music has its own radio that many people don’t know is there.

It’s great for football season and listening to other sports on the team’s home radio network.

All of these tricks work with iOS 16. If it doesn’t work on your phone, you may need to update it.