Local skin care expert shares advice for men this summer

Men’s skin care advice from Dr. Singh

June is Men's Health Month so we're discussing skin care advice for men with Dr. Singh.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — June is Men’s Health Month so Dr. Deeptej Singh, of Sandia Dermatology, stopped by to give some advice.

Dr. Singh recommends using the following:

  • A daily cleanser
  • Moisturizer with sunscreen
  • Products with antioxidants to repair any damage

What should you look out for in these products? Look for Vitamins A, C and E, plant extract of polypodium and B3 vitamins like niacinamide. Those are good things to look out for.

Other things to look out for include:

  • Air pollution
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Industrial chemicals
  • UV rays

These things can have a negative impact on your skin.

When you’re in the sun, Dr. Singh recommends making sure you’re aware of your sun exposure. Use sunscreen whenever you’re out in the sun and use something that works for you.

He delves into that advice in the video above.