Mexican Cónsul: No ICE raids in Albuquerque despite social media reports
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The Cónsul of Mexico in Albuquerque confirmed with KOB 4 there haven’t been any raids in the city by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents.
Patricia Pinzón, the consul of Mexico in Albuquerque, stated there have only been regular detentions for people with criminal backgrounds.
“We are in permanent consult with authority, so they can call us and we can confirm, or just let people know, that it is not true,” Pinzón said.
Since President Donald Trump took office and promised a crackdown on immigration, posts have popped up about ICE raids happening in various parts of the Albuquerque metro and New Mexico.
However, none of them have proven to be true.
“Posts like that very much cause harm, harm to the community itself by imposing false fear, uneasiness, stress and anxiety,” said Kristelle Siarza Moon, a digital marketing expert and the owner of Siarza, a local digital, PR and ad agency. “There is an ethical responsibility that should be understood among social media users, especially now with false content that’s getting out there or content that has good intentions but not actual facts behind them.”
Siarza Moon said she has seen the fallout of these posts and everyone it impacts.
“What we’ve seen when this type of content gets shared is that not only does it affect the immigrant and the individual, it also affects the organization and the business, because it leaves a black eye, a bad reputation,” she said.
Some posts claim ICE raids have happened at local schools or even churches, spreading panic among all immigrants, legal or not.
“Our kids don’t feel safe going to school. Some of us, we don’t feel safe going to our own churches where we supposed to be with our neighbors having a good day and peace,” said Fabiola Landeros, with El Centro de Igualdad y Derechos.
Landeros works directly with immigrants in our community. She blames the Trump administration for the current wave of misinformation and panic.
“This administration, what it’s doing is trying to create chaos, terror and fear in our communities, but our communities are learning their rights and how to protect themselves,” she said.
Considering all of this, how do you know if what you’re reposting is helping or harming the situation?
“If it’s somebody that’s sharing it and they don’t say the words ‘according to (blank outlet)’ or ‘according to (blank department),’ they’re not really crediting a source right there. They’re making assumptions that what they hear is the truth. So verifying a source is always really solid,” Siarza Moon said.
She also emphasized correcting your mistakes if you catch it. If you see officers or something that appears to involve immigration agents, we are checking every tip that comes through. Our contact form is available at
One of those community fact-checkers is Pinzón, who stated:
“Albuquerque is a friendly city with the immigrant community. We are spreading the word and letting people know that immigration authorities do not collaborate with local authorities, and that people can be safe, that parents can go safe and take their kids to school.”
You can call the Consulate at 520-270-7009. They also have a 24/7 hotline – 520-623-7874 – that is open to any Mexican living in the U.S. The call center can also help with legal assistance and mental health issues that may come with the stress and anxiety many are going through now.