Nuj alarm clock | What the Tech?

Nuj alarm clock | What the Tech?

We all know that feeling when the alarm clock goes off, and we instinctively reach out to tap the snooze button for an extra few minutes of sleep. You may have even done it this morning.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (WHAT THE TECH?) — We all know that feeling when the alarm clock goes off, and we instinctively reach out to tap the snooze button for an extra few minutes of sleep. You may have even done it this morning.

But, what if an alarm clock made it impossible to hit snooze? Jamey Tucker found a smartphone app that costs you real money if you don’t get out of bed.

The alarm clock app, Nuj, is guaranteed to get you out of bed on time. If you don’t, you’ll have to pay up in real money. It’s wake up, get up, or pay up.

Nuj doesn’t play around with giving you a few extra winks. You have to get up to silence the alarm. 

Here’s how it works:

Set the alarm as you do on any other alarm clock. You don’t have to commit to making a donation, but you have the option to pay a penalty for not getting up on time.

Next, you pick a barcode from an item in your bathroom or kitchen. For example, a can of shaving cream. Scan the code ahead of time and save it.

When the alarm goes off at your appointed time, you can’t turn it off by tapping the screen. You have to get out of bed, go to the bathroom and scan the barcode. There is no snooze button. 

If you don’t scan the code within five minutes, you pay a penalty of $5. The money goes to a charity.

Nuj Alarm Clock is a free app, a $50 a year premium subscription allows you to name your own charity and a few other perks.

It might not be your choice for an everyday alarm clock, but if you can’t afford to be late, a little financial motivation could be the answer.