Students at Jimmy Carter Middle School honor namesake
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — As former President Jimmy Carter is laid to rest Thursday, students at a middle school of his namesake are carrying on his legacy.
The principal at Jimmy Carter Middle School in Albuquerque said most students actually didn’t know about the man behind the school’s name. This week, they’ve honored him by learning about who he was and spreading the words he lived by.
Kind, courageous and noble. Those are the words eighth graders used to describe the former president. They may not be able to recite all of his accomplishments in office but they know something about his character.
“Something that is important, especially with our youth nowadays, is taking time to look outside of themselves and find the good in others. So, this is a moment that happened naturally to allow us to really look at that and give them that opportunity with a perfect example. Jimmy Carter was always showing appreciation and trying to make everybody a better person and a better place,” said Michelle Velasquez, the principal at Jimmy Carter Middle School.
That is why students wrote letters of encouragements or appreciation to people within the school. They did it to honor the legacy the 39th president left behind.
“Jimmy Carter led a life of service and he exemplified kindness. He really talked about doing the best we can with whatever you have. So you don’t have to be the richest person, or the smartest person to make a big impact and be a part of the community. And I think that is something that everybody in our community can exemplify,” Velasquez said.
Velasquez said this is the perfect time to teach the students about who he was through the years.
“We are taking the time to go through and show snippets of his life, different things he did, not just in his presidency but with Habitat for Humanity, getting voting polls going, overseeing voting and I think its kind of an ironic time with the change in politics and everything right now, it’s perfect to give our kids some real world experiences,” she said.
Velasquez said they will continue to honor and remember Jimmy Carter this whole week.